Please fill in the following values, or
go back to search
Please enter your updates for this location below. You can edit address,
contact, website, hours, features, and neighborhood information.
Please keep descriptions to 500 characters max. Descriptions should be a
quick overview of the business, with any online ordering or temporary
information pertinent to our users.
If you want to be included on Good To-Go Detroit, please select Good To-Go
under features, along with any other features you currently have like Online
Ordering, Order By Phone, Takeout, and/or Curbside Pickup. This is open to all
business types, not just restaurants.
Make sure to pick the right relationship you have to the business (Owner,
Employee, Patron, Other).
Please note that update submissions with over 500 characters in the
description, or multiple updates for the same location will be given lower
priority in our approval queue.
(100 word max)
57 words left.